Thursday, March 29, 2007

it is also the time of the yr again...

when the heat n humidity gets to me. just when my submissions r about to smother me, still i gotta battle the damn weather. for 4 yrs now ive been thinking of getting some aircon or the like for my little room here in hall. n it has also been 4yrs now that ive let that thought just slip by. and if i let it slip for the past 3 yrs (ok 2. since i was battling the-winter-that-never-left in milan last yr) this yr i better not even have 2nd thoughts about it since im leaving hall in abt a month. a month of bad weather sounds like something small to deal with. but NO. its not small. i remember 2 yrs back when all my A3 pals camped in the lounge over night (with matresses, pillows, PJs n newspapers to mask the windows, remember? oh goodness, i miss u fellas!) for the aircon (not me tho, cos i needed my com n was working overnight every night n slept in the day). it was that bad, the weather i mean. so now. when i wanna get crackin n get decent work done, its too damn hot n i get VERY mung zhang n cant spit any work out. when the weather is soooo kind to me, n has blessed me with rain, i just wanna sieze the moment to snuggle in bed cos i mean, come on, i finally have nice cold sheets! so how now brown cow? seems like i dont need to graduate man...
ive been thinking of running to some aircon place that gives free Wifi, just so i dont feel insecure. i dont do libraries cos i hate them. esp school ones. its a boiling pot stewing stress, n really, i dont need additinal heat now do i? hmm... gotta think...
hai, thats y i say aircon is the best invention. tv used to come in 2nd place, but now ive relegated it to give way to the web, cos well, the internet has EVERYTHING right?
till i figure out how to graduate, it'll be many many many more showers a day, lotsa powder n screaming at not just nus but the weather too.

Monday, March 26, 2007

its the time of the yr again...

where work gets to me.leaving me moody at the end of the day. n nothing seems to really be able to undo the mood swing, (cept for sleeping, which in this case, is a lil tricky).

its crunch time. again. ok so i havent exactly been slogging to bits cos i did just come back from hanoi not too long ago, but work, school work in particular, n this yr in particular in particular, is really killing me.

i woke up somewhat early today, only cos i really had to pee. to a pt i was dreaming i was in japan with kimpok n my mum ( dont ask me y or how that happened) walking ard n all i did was to move from 1 toilet to another, peeing along the way.ok this is besides the pt.

i was cadding n rendering n obviously it didnt turn out too well n left me upset. argh. i cld dive into this whole cadding/rendering thing abt y it didnt work out, but unless u do design, its gonna be bullshit to u, so ill just spare u. thankfully, im still nice :)

so from now to the end of the month, i will revel in coffee n hot chocolate for mild moments of highs in my life. (only starbucks. spinelli's chocolate power is like, half of bean's is like milk+milk+milk+chocolate+milk+MILK+MILK.)

oh! n emailing my parents makes me happy too :) parents, remember our little espionage operation we were scheming about k. keep me posted ah. n to my no3,no4 n no5 at home, thanks for ur prayers, its probably the only reason why i havent stabbed myself out of depression yet. tho i know u probably still rattle off the same ol stuff like, 'thanks for the gd weather today. pray for gd weather tmr'... n not forgettting the 'gong-gong-ma-ma-ye-ye-por-por', u still find somewhere amidst ur even-god-can remember-by-now-prayer to pray for ur no1 sister [in more ways than 1, ;) ], u fellas r really very sweet. ill take u out for dinner soon k. no1, u have a lot to explain abt urself huh, but ure somewhat forgiven since i dont go home.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

mosaic music festival part 2

well, after listening to rachel yamagata on my newly bought cd, i got to listen more closely to her lyrics. not that im getting a lot more of what shes trying to sing now (which i might be thankful for cos it might just be too depressing n i like being happy the way i am), but a little bit more. Prior to the show i heard her songs were all abt break-ups n depressing stuff. i obviously cldnt catch any of that during the show due to the inherent fact that i have a concentration span and focus level of a 5 yr old. i can never get all these lyrics thing. dont even get me started on that VERY SAD jay chou song ( i dont know the name of it.)

the tokyo ska paradise album,is definately a far cry from the live performance, n can be a bit boring after awhile... sigh. but i wanna find out whats the opening song that night. it was RIVETING.

another album i got was 'Yo La Tengo', their 2006 album. this is one act i wish i caught! damn. the esplanade website giving sample songs for the various acts were somewhat not very accurate. thus i missed yo la tengo n shld have caught 'the tower of power (?)' too. argh.

so for now, its goodbye mosaic, helllloooo arts fest!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

mosaic music festival 07

just got back from 'femi kut, and the positive-something' (im terrible with names obviously) which ended the festival for this yr. it was some african 13 man band n they did pretty well. the audience were standing n grooving for the 2nd half of the show, gd experience :)

last night was alot more exciting. from changi airport right after hanoi, it was straight to esplanade for rachel yamagata. prior to this, ive never heard of her, nor the kind of sound that she wld churn out from her mouth (im ignorant, i know i know..) but with the raved reviews ive heard, i decided to give her a shot. i left with her cd so thankfully, she was quite gd. n its a plus as she made funny comments throughout the show which kept everyone entertained. i wanted to get her to sign on my cd but upon seeing the queue, we both agreed ' ah heck it. im hungry. lets go get food.'

after her bit, it was a 2hr break before we caught 'tokyo ska (yes anna, kimmy n trace, i got it this time! not spa! ) paradise'. compared to all 4 acts i caught this yr, this was indeed the best, hands down. the light sticks the gave out before the show was really a nice touch to make everyone go mad during the show. if they came back to spore ( as the promised, but i wont be too sure, they always say 'we'll be back'. always.) i get third row seats. no questions asked. once again i left with their cd too, but sadly the tracks on it werent those they played. so ill be on a look out for them.

the last act, or rather the very first one of the festival, i caught was 'take 6'. they werent too bad, but i wld think before getting their tix again. just not that mind blowing for me... tokyo ska paradise is the way to go i say!

back from hanoi!

left for hanoi on wed for a 4day trip. my first time in vietnam so it was really quite exciting. the incessant spray-like rain which was on for abt 70% of the trip wasnt half as irritating as the misty, foggy n terribly grey skyline throughout. the famous ha long bay which is apparently very beautiful (which i can see why after trying to see pass the fog n up-ing the contrast level in my brain of the view) was only memoriable thanks to the fresh steamed red crab we had during the cruise. it was really soooo goooooood i tell u. walking around the old quarters was quite interesting n terribly touristy. nonetheless, u get a somewhat complete picture of vietnamese life, especially since we got a personal guide throughout. the best buy from our shopping trip must be the 'lonely planet - japan' we got for 100,000dong ( abt s$10), obviously fake, but photocopying done for this copy was decent, legible n with coloured pictures too! BUT its not mine to keep, for but for gilly, as requested. i think my best buy must be... chewing gim then. even the price of the ah pek singlets i got was comparable to the ones i got in spore (s$2). there really isnt much to buy... but given time to walk round the old, quarters more, i cld pick up more stuff which i wld obviously not need but hey, nice to have what... they have themed streets, like coffee street, hardware st (which was quite interesting), handicraft st, books st etc.. overall, not too bad a trip despite changing hotels everyday cos hanoi is simply fully booked to bits.

pictures will come later k :)

Monday, March 12, 2007

i cannot eat anymore crappy ice cream

ive been doing some ice cream testing for my thesis. in a nut shell, i had to test effectiveness of ice packs on keeping ice cream chilled. n with every 5mins of into the experiment, i gotta eat a teaspoon of the damn ice cream to taste for texture etc... i got the nestle milo, only cos it comes in the right sized cup n it was cheap(er). (i spent more than $15 on 12 cups? of ice cream for this). this ice cream is crap i tell u. it made me bloated from all the air trapped inside it! (all ice creams have trapped air, the less air trapped, the better. its also how they concluded that hagen daaz gives u 5 times more fat in a scoop, cos well, it indeed is dense). i could only finish 2 experiments n had to continue the last one the mrng n so more nestle milo ice cream.. for breakfast.... yucks. pui!
after the last experiment, i felt like puking. the thought of the ice cream alone gives me shivers now. it'll be some time before i can truly enjoy ice cream again...
the puke inducing iceee ccrrreeaaaammmm.....

1 of the tests


melted ones r simply the WORST to consume... eeeyerh...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

our friends a star!

this is specially for gilly n trace.. u can find our dear watermelon friend making waves here and here.
go knock urselves out babes...


S:PUR. an arts central tv prog that gets 2 artists, go to some selected spot in spore, be inspired, and come up with a final art piece. this wk i found it particularly interesting. the 2 were ivanho harlim ( i do enjoy his site/stuff quite a bit), a renowned fashion photographer (incidentally, i was flipping JUICE at the same time and saw his stuff on woods & woods) and a lead dancer xia hai ying from the spore dance theater. their spot was clarke n boat quay and the end result was a photo shoot done in that area n exhibited at the fashion bar.

these r some shots off todays episode, ripped off my com.

photoshoot site

at fashion bar, the cannery

s:pur is on every monday, 930pm, arts central. i wont promise every wk is as interesting cos last wk was 2 graffiti dudes who went to little india, spray painted a mini cooper, which i didnt fancy that much, n displayed it at the powerhouse.

Monday, March 05, 2007


ok ive been tagged. n sam, im just gonna humour u, too :)

Instructions:This is what you are supposed to do: cut and paste if you decide to participate in the tagging game. Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog.

1) single eye lids.. double eye lids... which do u prefer? i have both.

2) im fair (ok, white) to a point i apparently turn blue on the hockey pitch due to reflections.

3) ive had fish sperm sashimi. its white n looks like a cross between a brain n an intestine. very creamy, not fishy n not that disturbing to consume actually. but nothing i fancy much tho.

4) at the age of 20ish, i developed dyslexia. im quite sure of it.

5) i have more than 20 moles on my right arm. the left isnt any better

6) im allegic to alcohol on my skin, but absolutely no problems consuming it. yay!

im tagging :

kimmy, sarah,zq... ok i have no bloomin idea who reads my blog to know they got tagged. damnit. ok jsut 3 then.