Tuesday, February 28, 2006

home dinner today

we made kiam chye soup! gd stuff man... damn siok...
then we made teriyaki chicken with garlic n ginger.. also super yumyum...
n well, risotto-rice... sticky sticky one... so a bit weird....
but we all can cook here so food aint a prob.

which reminds me, today we were int hr train, then i asked 'eh, u fellas smell food? liek someone eating in the train...' then lynn said 'maybe its ur hair la...'
then i smelt it... OH MAN!!! really m hair leh!! smells of garlic n bacon!!!!
the prob is, chinese cooking , use alot of garlin onion etc. ok we use alot of those...cant go wrong one what... n rem in my earlier blog... we have no ventilation while cooking.... so wa-laa! we're really 3 chinese food smelling chinese walking ard milan...!

we finally saw a wet market...

ok la, stuff r dman fresh... strawverries again, super ang-ang.... but there were mini ones too.. see pic...
then flower stall was really nice too, colourfull n alll... then there is seafood, which its rather ex here ... cep for the cheapo frozen n extremely tiny clams n shrimps(i dont even call it prawns) that we can afford to buy ...
OH i n bought stripe toe socks from chinatown!3 pairs for 5euro!!! (ok, got kiam chye n some other stuff la... )
chinatown stuff r relatively cheap here, then again if u think abt it, the prc gets supply from china, n sell here in euros!! times 10 leh!!! so what loss ... the chinese community here is ratehr big apparently... i ahd pork ribs noodles soup for lunch!

giogio armani's design house?

well, ok, its jsut a huge building, n totoally for giogio armani.... i HAD to take a pic la!

see that whole pinkish building - giogio armani's. power huh. next time if i make it big , i also will have. then it'll be 'janey hia'! hia leh, how many u know....okok, maybe jane hia la, janey soudn so unpro...ok,then again if i put xing pek pek (xing=hia in chinese, pek=white... )like lagi only have 1 in the world....

seeing a bit more of the fashion capital

ok, we went to turati (which had a lil more resemblence of a fashion capital) today n had hopes of getting some info form the swiss tourist office... wanna go switzerland ma,i mean its next door! like spore n jb!.. b4 all the damn snow melt away, i mean, since we're freezing, might as well freeze in a beautiful place...ok, then we got there, the office is now close to public.can only call.so drats! then anway, there was tour agency next to it so we went in n checked out the price.HOHOHO... mother ex la... n we're not even going to st morris (apparently its the most beautiful, n also SO ATAS that pple like armani n versace is there ...)
so heck, too short a time for us to go anyway..... then after much thot abt florence, venice, rome etc... we're not going anywhere cos sat evening there;s a train strike (the tour agency fellas told us, how organised ay! go see http://www.whatsoninrome.com/strikes.php) so gotta travel b4 of after that. then sat there's also carnivale! kinda like halloween n pple will roam the streets n costumes n all! so we def dont wanan miss it...

so anway, we saw more shops, nice ones too.. paul smith was beautiful man.i never really knew what it was till today...the price of the berms also one kind that i never knew...
the pic on the right is an ENTIRE row of armani shops...then again it was 1 huge ass one la... from men,ladies,home,eyewear,everything la! even caffe n armani sony gallery....n jsut when i walked pass this cafe, a guy with a armani beanie came out n i was like 'ok, yes. fashion capital.'

ok n yes, next to a big n beautiful church, u get a gigantic billboard of D&G.... with that i just lagi confirm... yes,this IS the fashion capital.

Monday, February 27, 2006

despite me being dyslexic, u all shld have no prob reading my blog.. ok, less

Can you read this?

Olny srmat poelpe can. cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was

rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnigto a rscheearch at Cmabrigde

Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng

is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Therset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef,

but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

my apt finally...

okok, i know uve seen the stuff ard my apt etc but other than my bed, ure clueless as to where im actually stayin.. so wa-laa!i jsut never got down to taking pics la...heh.anwyay,the living room has a mini kitchen together with my friend's bed... its well furnished, with fridge, plates, pots n pans etc, spoons, etc.. all in!the kitchen is really damn small la, when i cook i put stuff on the ledge la, on the lil cupboard behind the stove.. everywhere! but i mean, at home, i cook from 1 end to the other! jsut that i have aunty silo cleaning (and nagging)behind me... hehthen there is a mini table which my 2 friends use for their lappies n all... there aint space for me la, so i retreat into the bedroom... not that im complaining ah...

then into the bed room! shared by my friend n i... ok, all 3 of us r living out of the suitcase cos we're, for now, here till end march then we'll get booted out... the landlord screwed it up la... so we dont wanna unpack.. plus i almost sure that if i really unpack, ill never be able to fit it all in again... i obviously didnt pack my own stuff when i came here...thanks mummy!

ok then there is the janeyhia com centre! tonnes of wires running here n there... ok at this pt im imagining my family n hall friends going 'ah-huh! that stupid jane still as messy'... i mean, ive been here like 4days? of cos still the same la! milan is an amazing place(ive yet to testify) but not THAT power la.. anyway, ive got everything here, pretty much, camera, hp,lappie, webcam,ext hard disk,cds,organizer to record my daily expenditure(yes parents! im recording!), ntebk to jot down stuff,hp charger,cables of everthing mentioned.. oh! on a make shift dust bin from my new webcam box(cos i was too lazy to dispose of it n my cleaning-fetish friend has yet to see it)...

ok then there is my dman lousy bed..hopefully lucky, but still lousy bed... its jsut too soft! i keep sinking in... not cos im heavy k! its jsut.... the bed....really.
n cos its the soft soft kind, n i keep sinking in, its damn bad for my back la... im rationing my back-ache meds man...n cos its soft, i have only 1 position to sleep in it. that is to lie straight n face the ceiling. total opposite from how i usually sleep la! im the sleep-on-the-belly kind... now! if i sleep on my belly, ill look like a seal damn it. tried to sleep sideways, n my back will ache again.. damn annoying...n sitting on the bed while at my com centre is also damn bad, ill be back in 5 mths as some lao-cok-cok... just u wait i say.. jsut u wait....

ok then there is the toilet.damn mini again. the sink area not so bad, its the inside half man... dman it small. when i pee the heater is at arms length. (heater is damn handy in heating our clothes while we shower so we get nice warm clothes! but jsut now, it was off while i showered so it was shivering after my bathe, soon after my friend lynn tells me, 'jane, the heater is working what...' ok now picture me stabbing myself n dragging the knife across my chest.....only i will kana such stuff... only me... damn it

ok, then shower is small once again.when i shower i sound like stomp ,tho rather unintentional. i have no space la.. so i keep banging the 2 door panels... bingbingbongbong wan.. aiyo..can die
hot/warm water that comes out of the shower head is not always the same temp, it will sukasuka shoot cold water... i concluded cos it hasnt heated enough water so it migh as well give some cold ones first...so then i look like im playing simone-says, when its cold water i have to suddenly shoot the water somewhere else... which then explains my stomp really... so as u can see a shower is indeed an exciting battle behind the doors (*comes with sound effects)

interesting fact from my landlord...

well, we only wanted to ask to use his house phone, then we had to explain y we wanted to use etc... in the end we didnt use it, n he was our tourist information centre cum european history class! rather interesting i say...

ok, for 1 he said that jeans are from ITALY! ok, some place called jean-something... then they brought it the US n the ever so clever americans called it jeans! wa-la!
then he told us more abt italian politics cos voting is on 9th april, n its gonna be quite exciting.. its a real fight apparently, like 50-50... nothing like spore i say..(ok, im thinking if ill get sued jsut by saying that... hmmm) anyway, 1 is a communist based party, another is not la... the difference is, if the comunist party gets is, money stays in italy, if not, money goes via investment to swiss, germany etc... then we jsut found out that hyper-mart , aka carefour but called ipcoop, or somehting like that that we've been patronising for my winter wear, tonnes of groceries etc... is a communist thing! im actually kinda supporting them in some way... i think now, i confirm get jailed... ok, together with this gay bar at jsut downstairs, cos they were giving out flyers n had a red flag n all.. they apparentl drink at night, n wave flags during the day...

ok la, i wont bore u fellas with all the rest of the thigns he said, interesting but too long to blog la, so maybe when i get back...

donuts and some other pastry!

well, my connection is apparently 'good' now, so i can upload more pics n faster! time for revenge!
pardon the pics thats r sideways... i used my nokia la... then i somehow can tilt it so... u jsut tilt ur head k... heh

Sunday, February 26, 2006

a lil bit of pastries...

ok i had to share (ok, jsut pics for u...) the pastries we're having with u fellas! these r form the pastr shop downstairs... we went in n 'wahhhhhhhhhh' at everything... we were really spoilt for choice i say! there were tiramisu and strawberry tarts the size of an A2.5! (bet a3 n a2... heh)
ok the verdict : the biscuits dont taste as gd, then again i suspect its my tastebuds, cos the strawberries didnt taste as gd that mrng... ill get back to u fellas on this...
but the strawberry tart was kick ass la!! so lovely... very yummy, with huge RED strawberries n some grapes with nice custard on buttery pastry... im sure ill get more so till next strawberry tart day...

well think we'll be making gd friends with the pastry shop lady... she gave us free dounuts! 6 pieces? its had soft creamy custard in it...heh... i better learn more italian pastry words!!

ARGH!!!! the damn lao-ya-pokay connection is killing me! (maybe u'll be reading tmr.... 'death by internet') i ve been trying to add pics of my wonderful pastry but i cant!!! keeps getting some error pg!! $%^&*&^%&*&*^!!!
ok i had to share (ok, jsut pics for u...) the pastries we're having with u fellas! these r form the pastr shop downstairs... we went in n 'wahhhhhhhhhh' at everything... we were really spoilt for choice i say! there were tiramisu and strawberry tarts the size of an A2.5! (bet a3 n a2... heh)
ok the verdict : the biscuits dont taste as gd, then again i suspect its my tastebuds, cos the strawberries didnt taste as gd that mrng... ill get back to u fellas on this...
but the strawberry tart was kick ass la!! so lovely... very yummy, with huge RED strawberries n some grapes with nice custard on buttery pastry... im sure ill get more so till next strawberry tart day...

well think we'll be making gd friends with the pastry shop lady... she gave us free dounuts! 6 pieces? its had soft creamy custard in it...heh... i better learn more italian pastry words!!

ARGH!!!! the damn lao-ya-pokay connection is killing me! (maybe u'll be reading tmr.... 'death by internet') i ve been trying to add pics of my wonderful pastry but i cant!!! keeps getting some error pg!! $%^&*&^%&*&*^!!!

our apt and its surroundings....

ok, jsut some sneak peaks into our apt n whats ard... we get daily groceries like water, milk,ham n meat n pastries from downstairs. there's a pastry shop that has LOVELY stuff, beautiful... then milk is REAL creamy here, like drinking liquid cream!yum... then water here we finally decided to buy bottled ones cos tho the landlord says its really extremely safe to drink n ahve friends in the water treatment plant n all,yet she has tonnes n tonnes of huge ass bottles of mineral water... how dubious la! is taste weird anywya, we tried boiling it to drink, yucks.. worst than evian...
well im currently drink white wine now, which we got fro abt 1plus euro but small bottle la... n we got frozen clams! so its vongole for lunch!!! well done jx!

ok then other pics is our apt... the one with the yellow jacket girl...small place but ok la, cosy... lynn n i share a double room, jx well.. he has the living all to himself.. heh.. when we cook, hohoho.. the whole house smells! then we tried to open the windows but it became too cold, so we close them n live in the smell! so i suspect we r 3 chnese food smelling chinese-kias... oh tlaking abt chinese food! i whipped up oyster sauce veggies with LAO GAN MA chilli sauce! (thanks friends for the last bottle of lao gan ma... phew!) everyone shld try it! dman siok... the oyster-laoganma chilli veg! oh n i did a chicken with garlic,onions.ginger with oyster sauce too.. heh, think we gotta limit ourselves when it comes ot oyster sauce! its going soon!

wel when it comes to cooking, jx n lynn kinda does most of it, cos they cook real early man, n im like, i jsut had bfast! ok im the last of the 3 to get up la... but not that bad k! get up the moment no2. is done with the toilet. we sleep damn early here man, its too cold to do much... n so we're home. then we got nothing much to do so we sleep at like 9plus pm... ok then my friend lynn who has a fetish for doing dishes, unlike me, who like the dishes to accumulate then 1 shot wash ! so ah, whats happening now is, when i go out, the meal is there, before im done lynn will wanna wash my dishes... aiyo! feels sooo bad!! so i had to keep the dishes form her (unless it deprived her of absolute happiness..)okok, ill do dinner tonight! n dishes too!!

ard my apartment , trains n the weather...

ok then thats me on the train... all covered up n sad looking. i think my mum said i look like a pakistani, then my brother said i look fat i think, then i think i look like a burgler from home-alone.....it was freakin cold la... im so waiting for summer man,all my clothes ah, none too prepared for winter at all (i mean, everyone said it was ending!) i even have my hunting hat all ready for sunny trips! the beanie belongs to jx n the scaf to lynn...but i bought a beanie today! gd stuff i say.. keep my ears numbless... its not funny i tell u,then ur nose is numb from the cold n u cant feel ur lao-pi-jui (mucus) drippin till ur friend tells u...

ok that pic is of my friend n i on our way to the train station. the train system here is hell more conplex than our 4coloured lines man... there is the metro system, then the train system, then the various systems simi colour also have.. all cross here n there...but thats fine with us really,its the ticekting system that is kinds confusing.metro needs a metro tix n vice versa for train.yet u can get a tix to take a train that changes to a metro line, then u have gentries that r open big n wide n u wonder who on earth wld pay! u can imagine the first train we took after spending tonnes of brain power trying to figure the ticketing machine n proudly we got OUR TICKETS, only to find out there was the huge ass open gentry. i jsut look blankly at my ticket n my friends...(ok, we soon found out there r seasoned passes for a month kind so u just walk thru,we got them too!) so ya, everyday we learn new things abt the train system...

ard my apartment...

Saturday, February 25, 2006

me and my new bed n the scary fiasco

ok so i had to buy new sheets, simply becos none cld fit into my luguage no more,tho my friends who brought less had their sheets... so i have new red sheets! ok, 2 since i was suppose to be comforter cover but then again, how cld i tell from the packaging? plus it was in italian! ok, im getting a tiny mini lil hangon italian.o managed to buy a bottle of wine without much difficulty.heh!

anyway i hope my red sheet bring me better luck man,esp after my scary lost-my-passport fiasco. it was NOT FUNNY i tell u. when i realsied i cldnt find my passport, i flip here flipped there, my friend also flip everywhere, but no where to be found.no where. i was scared to bits n panicked like siao la! immediately called my mum to tell her abt the bad news,n she tried her bestest to calm me down said since im already in milan not worry.wont end up la the castaway man(i cant recal his name) in 'the terminal' was what she was implying. but i was really bumped by it la, wah lau, barely in milan n in so much trouble...was gloomy all day...n had to plan how to get to rome where the embassy is the next day.
then my on the top of things parents were simply great. my mum even replied my sms at 6am spore time to tell me i dont have to rush down to rome cos suaysuay that 1 man not there i gotta stay in rome till he gets back etc...so ok, didnt go to rome. then the next mrng, my dad had to dauting task of continuing this fiasco. they checked with spore embassy to was settling everything that side n told me to go to rome only when the passport has arrived there if not no pt...so thats really made me feel better.... what do i do without my xing papa n mama....
anywya, after that while looking for some stuff in my bag, i saw, very innocently, my damn PASSPORT!!! jsut hiding behind some stuff in one of those velcro compartments in my crumpler bag!! i cldnt believe it man... immediately called my dad to tell him.. phew!man, what a scary experience la... then again if u think abt it, to lose a passport, its so.... jane... to lose it n find in jsut lying int he bag all this while, is like... LAGI JANE. so id say, milan hasnt change a single bit of me...heh.well i msut make a huge shout out to my parents n 2 friends here with me for heping me out n being so patient with this whole fiasco, despite jsut being my 1st day away...(sounds damn bad la me....)to my friends lynn n jiaxu, thanks for making it seem like losing a passport aint sucha big deal n running the errands with me, even to the extend of making rome a holiday trip to make me fell better abt it... thanks man... owe u fellas...
to my mummy n daddy, thanks thanks a million thanks... just what will i do without u xing papa and xing mama...haiya, i miss u fellas,pls get sykpe soon k, ask xing wen han to help u...
to everyone else, i say chain ur passport to ur neck!

walking from 1 train station to another...

can u see the amt of barangbarang i had! thank goodness for my friends who took the trolley abg from me... getting to our apartment was like amazing race, without the speed but with a samsonite.no joke i tell u. we were told to walk from station that we were at to another to get the right train to get us to our apt. its was like walking from orchard mrt to sommerset...with a samsonite.now u think thats bad, imagine taking that 25kg samsonite down flights of stairs, escalators n bumpy roads...i rolled samsonite till it fell flat on the floor. it came to a pt where we wanted to just drag it down the entire flight of stairs then we decided not to...'scally the wheels break then u really die ah...' alas, we went back to carrying...

and they call it the fashion capital...

i arrived in milan! seriosuly, it barely looks like the fashion capital of the world from there... i quote my friend ' ...industrial wasteland...' till we saw that huge as emporio armani sign while walking thru that tunnel thing form the plan to the airport... n we went, 'there we go! fashion capital...'
but i msut add, we were at duomo today, brieftly to get some student train pass, n we saw more of the fahion capital... saw shops like 'sisley'... n i tell u, 'bata' is freakin upmarket la! its like walking into a west 9 or something.... not cheap too man...

some mountain sticking out of the clouds somewhere from amsterdam to milan

it was sucha nice sight man... tho my pic prob doesnt justify much but it was really nice... we were like wah... oooo.... for a good 5mins? till it passed us by...

oh by the way, the plane was super tiny... i almost died jsut dragging all my barangbarang, hit evryone along the way to my seat i bet... the seat was super small too.... n the fellas infront reclined their seat soo much! we were soo squashed that when my window seat friend went to the toilet, i, in the middle, had to do some acrobatic leg lifts into the air jsut so she can pass... hai... lucky im quite gd.hah
then as i told soem of u thru sms before the plane took off, there was some idiot's feet which stank to high heavens.... for 12.5hrs....

bedok chee kuay at amsterdam

life saver! it was so siok i tell u... the chye poh... the chilli.. wah... tho it was cold, ok actually it wasnt too bad... i was so happy eating it.... doubt ill ever find chye poh here man, not to mention chee kuay.... jsut went to some lil convenient store jsut now, bloody ginger is euro8.50(S$17) per kg can!!!!!!!! my friend was like, maybe i shld bring my chilli here to trade...

amsterdam international airport

'internatioanl' airport n all.. but when u've seen changi as a norm, nothing can compare la.. this pic is of their 'lounge' so its all nice n done up etc.... the rest of the bits were...gloomy... tho they had casino inside... small one la... we were there at abt 6am n everything was rather closed... not liek changi.. then the best bit, we had to pay 3euros(S$6) for 15mins of internet time!! only cos we had to check whether the accomodatin man replied... i tell u, i was never so pro-changi airport before k, but when u see ads on the plane ever-so-proudly showing off that they have 'free lugguage trolleys' for us to use... ure like, heng ah! we're singaporeans, travel anywhere at least half the airport time is in comfort...

2nd meal on KLM

ok, this is CREME BRULEE.... seriosusly... funky as well... it was sweet n had some oats, some raisins etc.. lik egg custard... had some n told myself, hmmm maybe this one can eat... after a few more tiny mouthfuls... sorry... buang!
my friends said it looks like steamed chye poh egg... ahha!
that pastry looked rather innocent, n alas! jsut like its marble cake friend! hohoho... i mouthful n buang once again!theni had a lil bun with jam n butter, i mean, i love jam... n butter... how bad can it be.. then when bun was a cousin of the marble cake... alas, after alil bit more than the pastry... also buang...ate all the fruits tho! yum... the yoghurt, by the time i got to that bit, i was too tired battling my food.... so gave that up... then again, im never very hungry on planes, when the pushcarts comes out, wah the ba-oooh ah... i already wanna puke...BUT! i always give them a chance to redeem their bad name,only twice in my life i ate them.... keep trying fellas!

just me...still alive...

ok, thats me like.... maybe 2-3hrs into the flight? my phone camera is totally an ass saver la, all these pics from my nokia man! the flight was 12.5hrs... to amsterdam... only, then transit 2-3hrs then flew another 2-3hrs to liante, milano.

just me...still alive...

ok, thats me like.... maybe 2-3hrs into the flight? my phone camera is totally an ass saver la, all these pics from my nokia man! the flight was 12.5hrs... to amsterdam... only, then transit 2-3hrs then flew another 2-3hrs to liante, milano.

1st meal onboard KLM

ok, jsut realised there was this title thing that i cld use.. heh
anyway, food was some funky fish with pasta, jsut as funky id say... the hongkong noodles were ok for the 1st few mouthfulls, then .... ok the best bit was thr fruits, they never do fail, together with the orange n apple juice... the marble cake was made off marble (how generous of them) so after a few pokes, i left them too. i ate the cheese n crackers tho! finito!(dont ask me if thats italian, i ahve no idea). if u ask me, standard revolting airline food....

in milan!

heya fellas! ok i know many of u mus have been checking if ive updated my blog since i left n till this moment u must have been like 'that jane ah!! i bet she'll never update her blog!'
ok so here it is... heh.. bad connection la...

this is me, walking down that tunnel thing that connects to the plane.. armed with all my barangbarang...tamade alot to carry man.. showu fellas more pics...

Monday, February 13, 2006

annabelle's death by jane

hello pomelo!
a tribute to annabelle who help me set this up!
ok thats all folks

ps: anna's still alive