Saturday, February 25, 2006

me and my new bed n the scary fiasco

ok so i had to buy new sheets, simply becos none cld fit into my luguage no more,tho my friends who brought less had their sheets... so i have new red sheets! ok, 2 since i was suppose to be comforter cover but then again, how cld i tell from the packaging? plus it was in italian! ok, im getting a tiny mini lil hangon italian.o managed to buy a bottle of wine without much difficulty.heh!

anyway i hope my red sheet bring me better luck man,esp after my scary lost-my-passport fiasco. it was NOT FUNNY i tell u. when i realsied i cldnt find my passport, i flip here flipped there, my friend also flip everywhere, but no where to be where. i was scared to bits n panicked like siao la! immediately called my mum to tell her abt the bad news,n she tried her bestest to calm me down said since im already in milan not worry.wont end up la the castaway man(i cant recal his name) in 'the terminal' was what she was implying. but i was really bumped by it la, wah lau, barely in milan n in so much trouble...was gloomy all day...n had to plan how to get to rome where the embassy is the next day.
then my on the top of things parents were simply great. my mum even replied my sms at 6am spore time to tell me i dont have to rush down to rome cos suaysuay that 1 man not there i gotta stay in rome till he gets back ok, didnt go to rome. then the next mrng, my dad had to dauting task of continuing this fiasco. they checked with spore embassy to was settling everything that side n told me to go to rome only when the passport has arrived there if not no thats really made me feel better.... what do i do without my xing papa n mama....
anywya, after that while looking for some stuff in my bag, i saw, very innocently, my damn PASSPORT!!! jsut hiding behind some stuff in one of those velcro compartments in my crumpler bag!! i cldnt believe it man... immediately called my dad to tell him.. phew!man, what a scary experience la... then again if u think abt it, to lose a passport, its so.... jane... to lose it n find in jsut lying int he bag all this while, is like... LAGI JANE. so id say, milan hasnt change a single bit of me...heh.well i msut make a huge shout out to my parents n 2 friends here with me for heping me out n being so patient with this whole fiasco, despite jsut being my 1st day away...(sounds damn bad la me....)to my friends lynn n jiaxu, thanks for making it seem like losing a passport aint sucha big deal n running the errands with me, even to the extend of making rome a holiday trip to make me fell better abt it... thanks man... owe u fellas...
to my mummy n daddy, thanks thanks a million thanks... just what will i do without u xing papa and xing mama...haiya, i miss u fellas,pls get sykpe soon k, ask xing wen han to help u...
to everyone else, i say chain ur passport to ur neck!


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