Tuesday, July 18, 2006

last moments in milan....

(PS:pictures inserted are TOTALLY RANDOM. i jsut thot i upload some... if i missed u out, im sorry.really.)

Hello peps. Ok, so I know I wasn’t hardworking n blogging as much as I used to for ur entertainment, I got lazy la. Too tedious. But I must say, im rather proud I actually sustained it for THIS long.appreciate pls.

Ok, so this is my last day in Milan…or rather last few moments… im in Milan linate airport lounge waiting for my flight to Amsterdam where I will wait for 8 bloomin hrs b4 I catch my flight to spore…

Well, I just got news that I can come home today which is awesome cos my leg aint holding up too well la, been downing 4 painkillers a day, or to substitute that, I lied in bed for the whole of 2 days after getting back for London. Like seriously, in bed, the only times I get up was to the toilet n to get food, after which I return to my lil make shift hut , sit to finish my food, then back to my horizontal position n continue with my movies. I watched everything I had man, even if Ive seen it before or know it half-sucked… I desperately wanna get back to get this retarded leg of mine checked, hopefully it’ll just go away. Well it doesn’t help that health care here is a bit worrying. Went to the doc for the 2nd time n he started me on steroid jabs! Not just normal ones, but ‘forte’ = ‘strong’. 6 jabs for 6 continuous days, in my white Singaporean ass.. damn,,, took 2 then when I got to London, the docs there refuse to jab me, (well I had to find someone to jab me , not that im willing to be my own test subject.) anyway, the London doc saw my prescription (in Italian so therefore she refuse to jab me cos she didn’t know exactly what its for n don’t wanna get suspended shld I die) n she had a look on her face man… it’s the, ‘oh man, we NEVER give such stuff! Its way too strong n even if they did it was oral n not jabs…’ ok, so that’s a tad too much to say on a lady’s face but u get what I mean…so I took only 2 jabs, anyone needs steroids? Forte Italian ones k!! they have the immaculate power of destroying careers n causing blue-blacks on my white Singaporean ass… so lelong lelong!!

so ok, that’s y im going back now! Jx n lynn still in Milan tho, ok, lynn will be travelling in italy down south, jx probably just stay in Milan I think, poor chap la, if I cld pack him into my suitcase n check him in all the way to spore so he can go back I wld! He’s still there, n I was suppose to also, cos there aint tix for any earlier date till our original tix on the 31st. HANG IN THERE JX! statying longer means more rent, n what not… jeese! N we didn’t wanna travel anymore cos well, ive spend way too much over the past 4-5mths, (just picture my beautiful xing papa n mama nodding their heads profusely at that sentence…then again mummy, ive got like 5 issues of vogue straped to myself cos my sam’s kina overweight, but just for u k! n not just Italian ones, ive got Spanish, English n ill get u a dutch one when I get to Amsterdam, feelin the love? Im sorry dad, but I think italian ‘good look’ hair gel will probably cause hair loss here, u can never trust these stuff here, but u know I love u right? J ) n jx wanna get a new cam… so… hai…

Anyway, im in the lounge now, n there’s coffee n what not, so that’s great. (in italy, the one thing they got right is their coffee, so u can imagine what Ive got in samsonite right now.illy coffee is a third the price compared to spore! N that’s after working out the exchange man). Then there r lil booths for lappies n I asked the man in charge if there is internet n he said there is wifi! So yay! Good job linate! Then after connecting, or rather, not connecting n checking with the man again, then I realise its not free, its something u gotta pay via some server etcetcetc… damn it… n I thot, MAYBE its not so bad.. I mean in spore there r free internet booths everywhere! Argh…

So ok, last 2 days in Milan, no going out n what not, just me n my mattress on the floor n my lil red ikea heart with 2 hands, oh n my Italian Toshiba.yes, still Italian. Wanted to get my last bits of pastry from my pastry shop n I guess to try n say goodbye via charades (I don’t think ive ever had to spell that word in my life so really, u gotta pardon me if its wrong cos I wldnt know). But think I was too lazy n the fact that everytime I got up my damn retarded limp my mine wld start getting cranky… ok, plus the fact that I was thinking of bak chor mee for the past 2 days.. J

All in all, do I love Milan? For one, Milan I have concluded must be one of the ugliest cities. Not that ive seen a lot, but comparing with other cities like berlin,munich,Amsterdam,London,Barcelona,paris… plus the fact that it’s a ‘fashion capital’ (note the “ )… seriously, its bad la. Ok, so maybe the fashion street that I thankfully went during the sale since im in damn Milan was quite nice… other than that, yucks. N I soooo confirmed it once again on my way to the airport in a cab. If ure thinking of coming to Milan, I tell u straight up, unless its for shopping, n uve got that kinda on money to do that kind of shopping (sales r really gd tho), don’t bother coming here. Even for the Milan fair, I wasn’t blown away (then again I concluded im jaded from all these ‘designer’ stuff) quite fun, but not mind blowing. Lets just say I wldnt pay to come to Milan just to see the fair again. In all, Milan is LUCKY they have the duomo cathedral to save their city, oh ok n lagi lucky to have the last supper painting too… so in all, its interesting to have lived in Milan , or Europe for 4-5mths, but im not dying to stay here, or like, I must work here blahblahblah… im all cool going home, guess cos ill have familiar voices in my ears again… (ok, I don’t know y but when that sentence came out all I thot of was gilly billies infamous laughter, u see the effect u have on me gilly!!!)

Ok, so this is my last entry from Milan. Seriously, I doubt ill cont blogging about my life when I get back to spore. Maybe abt food yea, schools work will most likely be about complaints so… not much la. So essentially, this might just be the LAST ENTRY on janeyhia. So take out ur tissues n tear a lil, n heck, u better start downloading movies n what not to past time… its been great having u fellas read I guess, save me time on updating each n everyone of u. tho I have no idea who reads, how often u read n how many pple reads my dyslexic writing. Sorry abt that. Ok actually im not, not that I bother to do ‘spell check’. Hah. ok so last one for u fellas…

Monday, July 10, 2006


i was away in barcelona for the past 4days...went there with jx n wz... it was great! the city is vibrant n where we stayed, we were right smck in their orchard rd! there were nice quaint streets n unique shops which i sooo love...n guess whats the first word i learnt there... 'rebaixes'. that means... 'SALE'!i cleverly picked that up myself while walking along the streets n heck man, it didnt take me too long to figure it out..... the 2nd word i learnt was 'thank u' which was simialr to italain 'grazie' but a lil different with some 'th' sound replaceing the z...
so anyway we flew vueling, spanish budget... was a nice airline to fly, as in, their graphis design on their plane, int he plane like the emergency card n all, they were so pleasant to look at! ok so i dont have anythign to show u, heh. Oh! n on our flight, they had only male airstewards, it was quite funny to see men doing the 'in case of emergency' act.. hah.

then at the malpensa airport in mialn while waiting for our flight it was the italy-germany semis.. we only managed to catch abt 3-4 of the first half... then we had to board the flight...we found some big screen in the airport n parked ourselves there! together with all italian fans including italain policemen, italian airport staff, italians airport cleaners.. ok so u get the idea... okok, n some germans fans too.... well the best part was that the vueling captain actually gave us live updates ont he flight! that was really quite amusing, he wld annoucing in a rather non sided way like,' jsut for those who are following the world cup, italian fans u wld be gald to know that you are in the finals...' in a captain kinda monotone...ok, somehting like that... but yay! we were hoping so much tha he wld give up updates too... on our way thru customs n what not, we saw italian staff with their tv monitors not on xrayed bags etc but of the match! haha...

ok next up, spanish honey stars n kokocrunch...

the honey stars still look familiar, the kokokrunch, the dude is different isnt it? is ours some koala or something? i jsut know it looks wrong...

ok, next up is food... heh... haiya, i cldnt take any outdoor shots cos theres something wrong with my cam AGAIN! damn u olympus!! my outdoor shots r all over over OVER exposed! totally white! cldnt take pics of picasso hangout bar, or any of the gaudi stuff.... n what not... hai... im goona make sooo much noice when i get back to that service centre again i tell u!
ok so only indoor shots, n so that leaves me with food... heh... tapas! nice n beautiful once!

ok frist up is the squids, they were ok la, not bad, interesting, but not to die for....

thats my escargot, its strange but after eating so many times this is the first that i cld actually see their feelers! ok whatever u call them.... taste wise, i still prefer the french's, with herb butter n tonnes of garlic! yum!

ok, this si carpacio, which translate to raw beef slices... they served with parmesan cheese n rucola salad... for me, it was ok only la, didnt fancy the rather beefy taste of it... but jx liked it tho.. for me, i jsut had to try it, but now i know i can give it a miss.... maybe it jsut this one but oh well.. till the next carpacio....

this is foie with apple jam on crust pastry... this was the 2nd one that we had.. the first one was SOOOOOO GOOOOODD.... looked nicer too. it had thick balsamic vinegar n served with a leaf of green for looks i guess... but that was really amazing, when it came, we wacked so fast i totally forgot abt taking a pic! this 2nd one we had the next day, the foie was better, richer but there was too much apple stuff... overpowering a lil... n this was on a bagguet biscuit slice, which is obviosly not as 'pang' in terms of flavour...

this is some ommelette with potato n onion, they seem to eat quite a bit of potato here... its not bad la, its everywhere tho... basically, witht he onion in the egg, it cant go far wrong....

ok la, thats all i ahve, im getting seriosly lazy to blog these days..... heh... so appreciate this entry? i gonna shower n cont packing my stuff, leaving for london tmr! best bit, meeting a gd ol friend there, so i get free accomo n a planned trip! but of cos the company's the bestest bit la... so all good!



man, i tell u fellas, its one thing for italy to be in the finals, its another to be in europe when the world cup is going on, n then to be in italy when italy is playing the finals n then! to ave italy WIN the world cup!!! best exchange/holiday anyone can ever imagine, i so not a football person, but today i watched the entire matchn was waiting at the bar outside my place since 7pm! (the game was at 8pm here) even watched pre-match performance n what not... all the way itlay got the cup n confetti everywhere! its amazing... i of cos was supporting italia... n jumped at every goal n missed goal.... it felt as if i was from italy for that 3hrs... n that feeling when they won... remindede me why i played sports all these yrs... ok, so ive slacked like siao, but heck the winning feeling is siok ass! yea, n there was this italian man who kept coming up to us to give high-5s like maybe 5-6times... n he wanted to paint our faces in red-white-green i think, n opened a hugr bottle of champagne for those att eh bar when the game ended.... niec chap... abt 40plus yrs old?
anyway, now there r cars driving all over horning as the go along the streets, there were firecrackers here n there, water splashed everywhere... n of cos the italy flag being waved non stop.... well this then made me think abt our spore team man, even our home grown ref wasnt the ref tonight! thot he was ranked no 2... oh well.... at least we ahve a ref in the world cup if our fotball team cant make it... just life i suppose...
okok, thats all... GO ITALIA!